What's New
Improved Project Loading
A new project-loading status message now appears after 5 seconds, helping users understand when a project is taking longer than expected.
If a project takes more than 30 seconds to load, users will no longer be redirected home immediately, preventing unnecessary disruptions for those with slower internet connections.
Enhanced GPX Performance
GPX positions are now cached within projects, reducing the processing load on the Viewer and significantly improving projects using Path Mode and GPX files.
Better Storage Insights
The new storage indicator now provides clearer insights into storage usage.
The Organization Settings page has been updated to include;
Storage details
Price prediction
Separate sections for Billing and Plan Management
Removal of storage indicator graphic from Sidebar, now showing in just text the amount of storage used for improved clarity.
No longer need to purchase storage in 10GB blocks, instead storage is now calculated and charged based on actual usage at the end of your billing cycle. Our goal is to make storage and subsequent charges more transparent, fair, and based on actual usage.
New pricing for storage of US$1 per month per 1GB (previously US$10 per month per 10GB block).
Simplified Resource Management
Resource workflows have been consolidated into a single, more efficient structure.
Fixes and Improvements
General Performance Enhancements
Increased server memory allocation for better performance.
Optimized resource handling to prevent server crashes when loading too many resources.
Bug Fixes
Fixed infinite-loop bug in project requests, which previously prevented projects from loading.
Removed Path View configuration for smoother workflow.
Fixed GPX deletion issue where pressing 'X' didn't remove GPX data from the workflow.
Improved Path View reliability, resolving cases where it would get stuck at ~99% completion.
After adding 360 Photos now displayes all processed panos instead of just one.
When choosing a Resource folder to add files, the selection now starts from outside the project folder. Entering a folder now correctly selects it.
Know Issues
We're actively working on addressing the following;
After adding Still Photos (Geo-images), placement onto map doesn't always work. This will be fixed in an upcoming update with an improved workflow for adding Still Photos.
Small improvements add up to big changes. Thanks for growing with us!